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Data me to FA Whole Game System

Hi all, I hope you are all keeping well and sane! It feels like such a long time ago that we were all able to do such simple things as play some football but hopefully we will be back on the pitches soon and just in time for the spring weather!

We have had a message from the Tandridge League which we need to gain a majority consent for before moving forward. The League is ultimately governed by the FA and they have said that we now have to transfer our league data over to their "Whole Game System". The league have tried to resist this move for some time and indeed our league is one of the last few which haven't already transferred however the FA have said that all youth football must move. Please see the statement below.

To be able to continue playing within the league all of our player data must be transferred ASAP which is a huge task in itself but we want to give those within our club the chance to object. Sadly the only way to object appears to be to not play not only within the Tandridge League but all youth leagues in the country which neither us as a club or the league wants.

If however you are not comfortable with this move then please inform us ASAP so that we can remove your details before we make the transfer - this would, however, mean unfortunately your player(s) would also have to be deregistered from the club's team.

I know some of you may have concerns regarding this and we are in continued conversation with the league and in turn with the FA to better understand their individual positions on this. Please feel free to contact your managers if you have questions and we can look to address them.

In the meantime, we are looking to ensure that the information which is transferred is correct so we will be sending out the currently held information to the registered email addresses we have on file. If you do not receive the email in the coming days then please check your junk mail folders and then get in touch via your team WhatsApp so that we can make sure we have the right email address.

Once again - I'm sorry that during an already difficult time that we need to do burden you with this administration but hope you understand the predicament we are in. We look forward to seeing you all in less turbulent times.

Many thanks

Gary, Julian and the SVFC Committee

Statement issued by the Tandridge League and distributed via Member Clubs.

The Football Association has mandated (demanded) that all Player Registrations must be moved onto The FA’s platform, Whole Game System for the 2021-2022 season. The Whole Game System is a web-based system used by The Football Association Limited, County Football Associations, Other Football Associations (as defined in The FA’s rules), leagues and clubs for several of their football administration functions. It is particularly used for club and player registration and refereeing reports.

To facilitate the transfer of data to Whole Game System, we will be transferring your children’s data accordingly. Please find below a link to the Whole Game System Privacy Policy which sets out how your data is used when collected and stored in Whole Game System.

The Whole Game System Privacy Policy can be found here:

Whilst the Tandridge League will only transfer the following details of your child, Players Name, Date of Birth, Team, Age Group and Postcode, Clubs will subsequently be required to enter further details including the parents contact details and email addresses for all players age 16 and under.

If you have any queries, please contact the Tandridge League General Secretary through you Club Secretary.


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